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  1.  78
    Towards a New Philosophical Imaginary.A. W. Moore, Sabina Lovibond & Pamela Sue Anderson - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):8-22.
    The paper builds on the postulate of “myths we live by,” which shape our imaginative life (and hence our social expectations), but which are also open to reflective study and reinvention. It applies this principle, in particular, to the concepts of love and vulnerability. We are accustomed to think of the condition of vulnerability in an objectifying and distancing way, as something that affects the bearers of specific (disadvantaged) social identities. Against this picture, which can serve as a pretext for (...)
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    A Feminist Philosophy of Religion: The Rationality and Myths of Religious Belief.Pamela Sue Anderson - 1997 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Bridging the traditionally separate domains of analytic and Continental philosophies, Pamela Sue Anderson presents for the first time, a feminist framework for studying the philosophy of religion.
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    Creating a New Imaginary for Love in Religion.Paul S. Fiddes & Pamela Sue Anderson - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):46-53.
    Ideas of love within religion are usually driven by one of two mythologies – either a personal God who commands love or a mystical God of ineffable love – but both are inadequate for motivating love of neighbour. The first tends towards legalism and the second offers no cognitive guidance. The situation is further complicated by there being different understandings of love of neighbour in the various Abrahamic religions, as exemplified in the approaches of two philosophers, Søren Kierkegaard and Emmanuel (...)
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  4. Feminist philosophy of religion: critical readings.Pamela Sue Anderson & Beverley Clack (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    Feminist philosophy of religion as a subject of study has developed in recent years because of the identification and exposure of explicit sexism in much of the traditional philosophical thinking about religion. This struggle with a discipline shaped almost exclusively by men has led feminist philosophers to redress the problematic biases of gender, race, class and sexual orientation of the subject. Anderson and Clack bring together new and key writings on the core topics and approaches to this growing field. Each (...)
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    Autonomy, Vulnerability and Gender.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2003 - Feminist Theory 4 (2):149-164.
    This article challenges a prominent claim in moral philosophy: that autonomy is a personal ideal, according to which individuals are authors of their own lives. This claim is philosophically dubious and ethically pernicious, having excluded women from positions of rational authority. A reading of Ibsen's A Doll's House illustrates how this conception of the ideal of autonomy misrepresents the reality of individuals' lived experiences and imposes a gendered identity which subordinates women to a masculine narcissism. In Ibsen's play the woman, (...)
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  6. Life, death and (inter)subjectivity: realism and recognition in continental feminism.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1-3):41-59.
    I begin with the assumption that a philosophically significant tension exists today in feminist philosophy of religion between those subjects who seek to become divine and those who seek their identity in mutual recognition. My critical engagement with the ambiguous assertions of Luce Irigaray seeks to demonstrate, one the one hand, that a woman needs to recognize her own identity but, on the other hand, that each subject whether male or female must struggle in relation to the other in order (...)
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  7. Feminist philosophy of religion.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2007 - In Paul Copan & Chad Meister, Philosophy of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Issues. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  8.  42
    SILENCING AND SPEAKER VULNERABILITY: undoing an oppressive form of (wilful) ignorance.Nicholas Bunnin & Pamela Sue Anderson - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1):36-45.
    The French feminist philosopher Michèle Le Doeuff has taught us something about “the collectivity,” which she discovers in women’s struggle for access to the philosophical, but also about “the unknown” and “the unthought.” It is the unthought which will matter most to what I intend to say today about a fundamental ignorance on which speaker vulnerability is built. On International Women’s Day, it seems appropriate to speak about – or, at least, to evoke – the silencing which has been imposed (...)
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  9. An epistemological-ethical approach to philosophy of religion: Learning to listen.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2004 - In Pamela Sue Anderson & Beverley Clack, Feminist philosophy of religion: critical readings. New York: Routledge.
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  10.  20
    Re-Visioning Gender in Philosophy of Religion: Reason, Love and Epistemic Locatedness.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2012 - Routledge.
    This text presents a new critical awareness of gender in philosophy and religion, suggesting new core concepts at the interface of philosophy and religion, and ethics and epistemology.
  11.  16
    Ricoeur and Kant: Philosophy of the Will.Pamela Sue Anderson - 1993 - Amer Society of Papyrologists.
    Anderson (philosophy, U. of Sunderland, England) presents an exegetical, restorative, and critical account of French philosopher Ricoeur's early work on human will, seeing in it a dual-aspect perspective of people that helps make sense of his later complex writings. Emphasizes the important impact of Kant on his original thinking. (Editor's note: this review corrects a misleading one appearing in the December 1993 issue.) Paper edition (837-0), $19.95. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  12.  39
    Bergsonian Intuition.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2015 - Philosophical Topics 43 (1-2):239-251.
    In this paper I explore a “variation” on the “theme” of intuition in the evolution of modern metaphysics. My aim is not to criticize A. W. Moore’s account of intuition as one of two ways by which Bergson makes sense of things (the other way is analysis). Instead I will suggest the significance in extending Bergson’s metaphysics to mystical life as “the ‘very life of things’ into which intuition installs itself.” When the metaphysical drama, in The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics, (...)
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  13.  48
    Lost Confidence and Human Capability: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of the Gendered, yet Capable Subject.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2014 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 4 (4):31-52.
    In this contribution to Text Matters, I would like to introduce gender into my feminist response to Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic phenomenology of the capable subject. The aim is to make, phenomenologically speaking, “visible” the gendering of this subject in a hermeneutic problematic: that of a subject’s loss of confidence in her own ability to understand herself. Ricoeurian hermeneutics enables us to elucidate the generally hidden dimensions in a phenomenology of lost self-confidence; Ricoeur describes capability as “originally given” to each lived (...)
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  14. Ricoeur's reclamation of autonomy: Unity, plurality and totality.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2002 - In John Wall, William Schweiker & W. David Hall, Paul Ricoeur and contemporary moral thought. New York: Routledge.
  15. A turn to spiritual virtues in philosophy of religion : 'the thoughtful love of life'.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2009 - In John Cornwell & Michael McGhee, Philosophers and God: at the frontiers of faith and reason. New York: Continuum.
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  16.  62
    Divinity, Incarnation and Intersubjectivity: On Ethical Formation and Spiritual Practice.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (3):335-356.
    In what sense, if any, does the dominant conception of the traditional theistic God as disembodied inform our embodied experiences? Feminist philosophers of religion have been either explicitly or implicitly preoccupied by a philosophical failure to address such questions concerning embodiment and its relationship to the divine. To redress this failure, certain feminist philosophers have sought to appropriate Luce Irigaray’s argument that embodied divinity depends upon women themselves becoming divine. This article assesses weaknesses in the Irigarayan position, notably the problematic (...)
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  17. 5 Myth and feminist philosophy.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2002 - In Kevin Schilbrack, Thinking through rituals: philosophical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
  18.  34
    Sacrificed lives: Mimetic desire, sexual difference and murder.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (2):216-227.
    This essay explores the theme of sexual difference in relation to sacrifice by contrasting Girard's account of mimetic desire and cultural violence with Kristeva's extensive reflections on allied themes. Inspired by Reineke's critique of Girard the object of the paper is to generate discussion concerning the ethical implications of recognizing the play of sexual difference in any theory of sacrifice. Specifically it aims to contribute towards a subversion of the sexually specific violence of patriarchy.
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  19. Standpoint.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Research 26:131-153.
    This article defends the place of “standpoint” in a realist epistemology. The conception and role of standpoint are proposed to be receptive to the shifting perspectives of actual knowers. A standpoint is distinguished from a spontaneous perspective or mere outlook. In this realist epistemology standpoint will have something to do with background beliefs. but rather than a starting point, it is an achievement gained as a result of a struggle for less biased knowledge. Epistemologists currently employ various conceptions of standpoint. (...)
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  20. Feminist Challenges to Conceptions of God: Exploring Divine Ideals.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (3-4):361-370.
    This paper presents a feminist intervention into debates concerning the relation between human subjects and a divine ideal. I turn to what Irigarayan feminists challenge as a masculine conception of ‘the God’s eye view’ of reality. This ideal functions not only in philosophy of religion, but in ethics, politics, epistemology and philosophy of science: it is given various names from ‘the competent judge’ to the ‘the ideal observer’ (IO) whose view is either from nowhere or everywhere. The question is whether, (...)
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  21.  34
    A Joyful Dialogue with Spinoza and Others: Le Dœuff, Deleuze and the Ethics.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2014 - Paragraph 37 (3):341-355.
    This essay argues for a Le Dœuffian dialogue with Spinoza's Ethics, intending the increase of affective knowledge and bodily power. This intention requires a striving to learn: first, what perhaps we do not already know; second, what our bodies can do; and third, to increase in joy. From this dialogue the reader can gain Spinozist knowledge of bodies, minds, affections, as well as gaining the power to affect and to be affected by other bodies. One of the features of this (...)
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  22. Can we love as God loves?Pamela Sue Anderson - unknown
    I locate the starting point for this essay on the common ground between the traditionally conceived attribute of divine love and the moral theory known as divine command ethics. The latter assumes that something is good because God commands it; with the former, the gift of divine love requires love in return. In this light, God’s command to love is recognized as goodness itself by those ‘he’ loves. In other words, those persons loved by God are morally motivated to love. (...)
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  23.  48
    Editorial: In the Guise of a Miracle.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2014 - Sophia 53 (2):171-181.
  24.  54
    Engaging the "forbidden texts" of philosophy: Pamela Sue Anderson talks to Alison Jasper.Pamela Sue Anderson - unknown
    This article is made available under Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-ND, which permits non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the work, in any medium, provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that the work is properly cited.
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  25.  15
    Feminist Perspectives on Natural Theology.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2013 - In Russell Re Manning, The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter presents feminist perspectives on core topics in natural theology. It suggests that a philosophical openness to thinking about nature, about our human relationships, capacities, concepts, and conceptual scheme would enable a constructive feminist perspective on natural theology. Topics discussed include the feminist challenge to the western tradition of natural theology; myth, absolute truth, and male supremacy; sexual difference, transcendence, and religious epistemology. The views of feminist philosophers such as Simone de Beauvoir, Michèle Le Doeuff, Mary Daly, Luce Irigaray, (...)
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  26.  10
    In dialogue with Michéle Le Dœuff: philosophies, encounters and friendship.Pamela Sue Anderson & Michèle Le Dœuff (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The work of Michèle Le Dœuff creatively disrupts established notions of what philosophy might be. Far from being a discipline about the leader and the disciple, a hierarchy of knowledge and paternalism, Le Dœuff proposes a philosophy of dialogue and friendship. The conversations in this book explore how this philosophy can be enacted and explored, and show how openness and generosity can be the starting point of truly rigorous thinking. Introduced and curated by the late philosopher, Pamela Sue Anderson, In (...)
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  27.  27
    Kant et le renouveau de la pratique « analytique » dans la philosophie contemporaine.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2012 - ThéoRèmes 2 (1).
    Cet essai incite les philosophes contemporains de la religion à repenser le rôle que la philosophie critique de Kant a joué à la fois dans l’inauguration de la nature analytique de la philosophie moderne et dans le développement de la poussée de la critique de la raison vers l’inconditionné. En particulier, il s’agit, dans cet essai, de démontrer que Kant et d’autres rationalistes modernes, comme Spinoza, peuvent contribuer à notre lutte rationnelle dans la vérité et pour elle. Cette démonstration vise (...)
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    Michèle Le Dœuff in Praise of Collective Work: Subjects in and Outside of Philosophy.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2014 - Paragraph 37 (3):311-313.
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  29. New Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Resistance, Religion and Ethical-Political Relations.Pamela Sue Anderson (ed.) - 2010
  30.  40
    Obituary: Gillian O. Howie, 1965–2013.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2014 - Sophia 53 (2):167-169.
    The present special issue of Sophia on ‘feminist philosophy of religion’ is dedicated to Gillian O. Howie who died in 2013. This essay is a short obituary touching on Howie’s philosophical and personal legacy. The intention is to give a brief overview of Howie as a courageous woman with boundless intellectual curiosity and passionate commitments to feminist activities; these include writing and living her philosophical vision for creating a just society with collective political action. Howie inspired both women and men (...)
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  31. Postmodernism and religion.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2011 - In Stuart Sim, The Routledge companion to postmodernism. New York: Routledge.
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  32. Part One: Articles.Pamela Sue Anderson, Hent DeVries, David Ray Griffin, William Hasker, Fergus Kerr, John Macquarrie, Adrian Peperzak, Philip L. Quinn, William J. Wainwright & Keith Ward - 2005 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 58:207-214.
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  33.  25
    Reflections on Embodiment.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2002 - Women’s Philosophy Review 29:4-10.
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    The Other.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2013 - In Nicholas Adams, George Pattison & Graham Ward, The Oxford handbook of theology and modern European thought. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Reorienting Ourselves in (Bergsonian) Freedom, Friendship and Feminism.Nicholas Bunnin & Pamela Sue Anderson - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):23-35.
    Pamela Sue Anderson urges feminist philosophers to embrace Michèle Le Doeuff’s revaluation of women in philosophy through according “fair value” to intuition as an intellectual faculty, a view of intuition articulated by Henri Bergson. She asks whether women who follow Bergson could be given fair value along with intuition. She turns from Le Doeuff’s writings on intuition to writings by Bergson and by Beauvoir, but periodically returns to Le Doeuff herself. In the end, a picture of freedom, friendship and feminism (...)
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  36.  95
    Tracing sexual difference: Beyond the aporia of the other. [REVIEW]Pamela Sue Anderson - 1999 - Sophia 38 (1):54-73.
  37.  10
    Book Review: Rethinking Religion/rewriting Divinity. [REVIEW]Pamela Sue Anderson - 2006 - European Journal of Women's Studies 13 (1):63-65.
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    Book Review: The Philosophical Imaginary and The Sex of Knowing. [REVIEW]Pamela Sue Anderson - 2007 - Feminist Theory 8 (1):107-114.
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  39. Pure reason and contemporary philosophy of religion: the rational striving in and for truth. [REVIEW]Pamela Sue Anderson - 2010 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 68 (1-3):95-106.
    This essay urges contemporary philosophers of religion to rethink the role that Kant’s critical philosophy has played both in establishing the analytic nature of modern philosophy and in developing a critique of reason’s drive for the unconditioned. In particular, the essay demonstrates the contribution that Kant and other modern rationalists such as Spinoza can still make today to our rational striving in and for truth. This demonstration focuses on a recent group of analytic philosophers of religion who have labelled their (...)
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    Tina Beattie reviews Pamela Sue Anderson's A Feminist Philosophy of Religion & debates with the author. [REVIEW]Tina Beattie & Pamela Sue Anderson - 1999 - Women’s Philosophy Review 21:103-110.
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